Many students’ false beliefs make them feel pressured and stressed about being number one all the time.
Teh Healinghart Centre Clinical Psychologist, Ms. Doreen Teh, shares this insightful story.
In our Asian society, it is common for us to be told, ‘Work hard. Be No. 1’
Our first role models that is, our parents, teachers, and elders, will usually point out all the people they know who were No. 1s
Gradually, we felt ‘less of’ or even like ‘failures’ because we will never be the No.1
Good and obedient children feel disappointed as they cannot please or make their parents proud.
I Feel Stressed Trying to be Number One All the Time
A few years ago, Mr. T brought his daughter to see me. She was in Form 4 and often cried before her exams.
He had already arranged for his daughter to see a psychiatrist earlier, but he brought her over for an appointment when he found out about my clinic.
Miss. T was very polite, somewhat shy, and lacked confidence.
She equated her self-worth to her academic performance and achievements.
She had always worked hard, was self-motivated, was highly ambitious, and wanted to break out of the cycle of poverty.
Her parents are uneducated, and they worked hard to give their children the best.
Miss. T’s classmates are from middle to higher-income families.
Her friends live a luxurious lifestyle with maids to care for their every need.
These rich kids often holiday abroad.
Miss. T was ashamed of her family background and determined to change her fate!
Being Number Two and Number One
Unfortunately, despite working so hard, she always ended up No. 2
Besides, she had teachers who would look at her in disbelief or shame her in front of others when her marks exceeded other supposedly more intelligent or ‘higher valued’ students.
Once, the teacher even said aloud, ‘There must be a mistake. You cannot have the highest mark.’
Poor girl!! Imagine her disgrace.
The humiliation, insult, disrespect, and discrimination scared her. Her self-confidence further declined.
She began to doubt herself and believed that she was less worthy and less capable because of her family background.
Empowering Miss T. not to be pressured to be Number One
In working with Miss. T, I helped her identify her strengths.
It was important for her to recall all her accomplishments and credit her hard work, positive traits, skills, and abilities.
She needed to recognize her ‘gifts’ and empower herself.
We also worked on relaxation techniques so she could learn to de-stress.
It was important for Miss. T to lead a more balanced life.
School is not only about studying and doing well in exams.
It is the time to build upon many essential life skills through participation in extra-curricular activities, exploring things we like or dislike, discovering our strengths vs. areas to work on, friendships, community service, and others.
After a few sessions, Miss T was happier. She was sleeping better, and her focus improved.
She has learned to accept, embrace, and like herself.
Miss. T learned to engage in various activities she was interested in and excelled in creative arts and community service.
She could manage her time better as she continued studying hard and enjoyed watching TV or going out with friends.
Miss. T was no longer so stressed out or guilty when having fun.
As she began to relax, not try so hard and put so much pressure on herself from being ‘beaten down’ by others, she became Number One!