Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Orang Asli Temiar Perak – Life in Kampung Landap

Orang Asli Temiar – Orang Asli means “original people” or the “aboriginal people” in Malay.

The official term used for the indigenous people of Peninsular Malaysia.

Orang Asli Temiar (Temiar) is a Senoic group indigenous to Perak.

It is one of the largest of the 18 Orang Asli tribes of Peninsular Malaysia.

Orang Asli Temiar are Hunters and Gatherers

The Orang Asli’s forefathers were nomads, hunters, and gatherers in the rainforest and lived in caves or rock shelters.

They live in small tribes, and each tribe has its own chief.

Skilled as hunters, they hunt for food, such as birds or little monkeys, by blowing their bamboo blowpipes – deadly, accurate, and dangerous.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

A Temiar girl shyly peers over her drink.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Young Temiar boys were enjoying a simple meal together.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Temiar youths are chilling out like their counterparts in the cities.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Young Temiar youths help unload a car with staples donated by visitors.

Sungai Korbu, Perak

Sungai Korbu, also known as Sungai Kerbau, starts as a stream from Mount Korbu.

This pristine stream runs through idyllic Kampong Landap.

The crystal clear waters are calm even in the hot afternoons. In the early mornings, the water is icy cold.

Temiar children and villagers are seen bathing and playing in the river thrice daily.

Orang Asli Temiar tribe was relocated from the fringes of the rainforest to their settlement by Sungai Korbu.

The new location of the village helped the Temiar receive government aid efficiently.

That was thirty-five years ago.

The general Malaysian’s knowledge of our Orang Asli is poor.

To consider Orang Asli as being ‘uncivilized’ is a misconception that needs to be dispelled.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Sungai Korbu flows through Kg. Landap

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Crystal clear, icy calm waters.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Children and adults love to cool off, swim, and play in the river.

Home of the Orang Asli Temiar Perak at Kampung Landap

Traditionally, animists, the inhabitants of Kampung Landap, have been urbanized and have all embraced Islam and are practicing Muslims.

Some speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia to visitors and converse in Temiar with each other.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Overview of Kg. Landap

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Closer view of one of the houses.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak – Penghulu (Village Headman)

The Orang Asli Temiar Village Headman ambles around aided by his “snakehead” walking stick and gamely sits in, listening to his brother Nordin b Abdullah, 65 years old.

Pak Nordin is fluent in Malay and speaks of his tribe proudly.

The Penangite writer was surprised when Pak Nordin could name some of the Chinese tribes in Malaysia.

He cited the “Hokkien,” “Cantonese,” and “Teochew” to her amusement.

Pak Nordin said they are grateful that the government built houses for them; however, they still feel more at ease living in the jungle where they belong.

“In the jungle, I know exactly where I am and know what to do, but if I go to the city I will have trouble crossing the road and be startled by the many cars traveling very fast’” said Pak Nordin with a chuckle.

“We belong here; this is our home.”

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Oldest Temiar, Ngah b. Uda, 72, is the Penghulu Islam of the village.

Tuan Speaker and Volunteers for the Orang Asli Temiar

Tuan Speaker invited the writer and her friends.

The anthropologist Tuan Speaker has been living amid the Temiar for nine years.

Tuan Speaker and his KL volunteers have taught the Orang Asli about health, nutrition, and hygiene.

The women folk now go for postnatal checks in the government clinics, and infant mortality has dropped.

For generations, the Temiar have survived on a diet of tubers, especially tapioca and sweet potatoes, and were mostly undernourished.

Presently they are eating a more balanced meal with weekly grocery donations from volunteers.

For long-term sustenance, Tuan Speaker taught fish rearing and duck farming.

This project will be an additional source of protein and income to the Temiar.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak – Economy

Economically, villagers are poor and earn little income from collecting rattan and selling damar, a resin from dipterocarp trees.

They also work in the nearby estates.

Although considered materially and technologically behind the average Malaysian living in the city, socially, the Temiar are more civilized and gracious than most of us.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Tuan Speaker taught fish rearing.

Mass Circumcision Ceremonies for Orang Asli Temiar Boys

Tuan Speaker invited us to join in the two-day celebration.

It started with the “khatan,” or circumcision, for 30 Temiar boys recently.

Five boys ran away to hide on the day of the ceremony.

However, the team was surprised when two adult males turned up at the eleventh hour for their circumcision.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Temiar boys were resting after their circumcision.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Temiar boys with their doctor before circumcision.

Adat Nikah Mass Marriage Ceremony for Orang Asli Temiar

An “adat nikah,” or solemnization of the marriage ceremony, was held for nine couples and followed closely by a customary Malay wedding tradition.

There was a mixed couple in the group.

The wedding ceremony was held in a huge “Balai” hut.

The provisions we donated were all cooked in the wedding banquet. It was done in gotong-royong style, with the young women and men taking the stove helm.

The lunch was prepared for the whole village. It was an excellent “kenduri khawin” wedding party that sparked a joyous celebration among the entire community.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Beautiful Temiar brides were reciting prayers.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

The marriage was solemnized during the Adat Nikah (solemnization ceremony). It was officiated by an imam (worship leader of a mosque).

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

The couples were exchanging gifts.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

A simple wedding banquet was shared between family members after the adat nikah.

Orang Asli Temiar Perak - Life in Kampung Landap

Newlyweds are going for a joy ride!

Orang Asli Temiar Community Living in Kampung Landap

The Orang Asli Temiar are happy, content people who have lived this way of life for generations.

They survive by living communally and contributing all they have for the good of the community.

Their sense of freedom and oneness with nature is astounding,

Slowly, our imposed values may come into their lives.

Pak Nordin speaks of youngsters with handphones and listening to music as all teenagers do universally.

The day will inevitably come when they lose their freedom and become civilized like us.

Photos by Mike Chee, Richard Ong, and friends


For information, contact the link below: http://www.facebook.com/centrefororangasliconcerns/.


Blog Disclosure: This blog is written independently. No compensation, such as free meals, monetary payment, or services, has been received from any of the featured establishments. These are some of the places that the Editior and her friends visited as part of an outreach invited by anthropologist Tuan Speaker has been living amid the Temiar for many years.



  1. Kc Chong
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